Confirmation Service in St. Andrew’s
Friday 7th October was certainly a night to remember for our 19 confirmation candidates who packed St Andrew’s Church to overflowing with their parents, godparents, families and friends. It was great to see a good number of our own parishioners present too to offer their support. The Archbishop spoke to the candidates about three Cs…

RTE Bicentenary Service
Many complimentary remarks have been made about the RTE Bicentenary Service which was aired on Sunday 9th October. Our thanks must go, first and foremost, to the Choirmaster Mr Rodney Baldwin and members of the choir who excelled themselves. Thanks are also due to our retired clergy, the Rev’d Ken Sherwood and Rev’d Kingsley Long…

Primate’s Visit
The Primate, the Most Rev’d John McDowell will be the preacher at a special Service of Thanksgiving marking the Bicentenary of St Andrew’s Church on Sunday 27th November at 11.30am. The Archbishop of Dublin will preside at Holy Communion. This will be a United Service, and there will be no 10am service in St Doulagh’s…

Parish Census
The United Parishes has embarked on a major information gathering exercise. A number of events are scheduled to take place between now and December to mark the 200th anniversary of the consecration of St Andrew’s Parish Church, including a special Service of Thanksgiving attended by The Primate and The Archbishop on Sunday 27th November. But…

Garda Band Gala
To mark the Bicentenary of St Andrew’s Church, join the Band of An Garda Síochána, and members of the Garda Ladies’ Choir, under the direction of choirmaster Rodney Baldwin, for an evening of music and celebration! Saturday 15th October at 8pm in the Golf Links Hotel Portmarnock Tickets can be purchased through the Parish Office…