An appeal to raise funds for the restoration of the current organ in St.Andrew’s Church has been launched.
Further InformationNews
Over the past few months, initially on an experimental basis, a new weekly publication titled the Parish Newsletter, produced by the rector, has been distributed electronically to parishioners. A number of hard copies of each edition have also been available in the church porch for those not in a position to access information online. … The last Saturday in November has always been fixed in the parish diary for many years for the Christmas Market and the 2024 market held on Sat 30th November, was once again a highly successful event, raising in excess of €16,000 for parish funds. However, the Christmas Market is not just about raising money, important… NO. ITEM/DONOR WINNER 1 Cassidy Voucher Susan Murphy 2 One4All Voucher Marie Keegan 3 Garden House Jenny Foley 4 Luxury Hamper Robert O’Loughlin 5 Luxury Hamper Derek George 6 Halford Marcus Collie 7 McCabes Pharmacy Suzanne Therwell 8 Tony Byrne Sharon Heath 8A Tony Byrne Josephine Hales 9 Rooney Hardware Olive Haynes 10 Lula Belle… An appeal has been launched to raise funds for the restoration of the organ in St Andrew’s Church, Malahide. As previously reported, a project plan has been agreed by the Select Vestry with the Pipe Organ Preservation Company to carry out the work extending over two phases during 2024 and 2025. Restoring and refurbishing the… A special Remembrance Day Service took place in St Andrew’s Church on SUNDAY 10th NOVEMBER at 11.30am. The singing at the service was led by members of Cor Fingal Choir under the direction of Eoin Conway. An Act of Remembrance also took place in St Doulagh’s Church at 10am that morning.
Parish Publications —A New Direction
Christmas Market 2024–Another Success Story!
Christmas Market Raffle Winners
Remembrance Day Services