Parish Centre Update

It has been a quiet summer in the Parish Centre. Kandoo used the premises throughout July and August but due to Covid Restrictions no other indoor camps were able to take place. September will hopefully see the return of most of our users, with Pilates, Taekwondo, Boot camp Ireland, Little Kickers and Girls Brigade all…

Thank You Anne

Finally, six months after she departed from her role as Parish Administrator, we were able to get together to present Anne with a token of our gratitude. Obviously, it wasn’t the large gathering that would traditionally have been held but instead, Anne and Neville Taplin, Brian Brown and I met in the Parish Centre and…

Parish Accounts

The Parish accounts for the year ending 31st December 2020 are now available Parish Accounts

Annual Easter General Vestry Meeting

Our Annual Easter Vestry Meeting, attended by 54 parishioners, took place by Zoom on Wed. 14th April and was chaired by our priest in charge and rural dean, Rev Lesley Robinson. Hon. Secretary, Nigel Warburton, presented the  Minutes of the previous meeting which took place on 31st August 2020.  The minutes were accepted and passed….

Retirement of our Rector after 30 years of Service

As many of you are aware by now Norman Gamble, rector of our parish since 1990, retired at the end of 2020, conducting his final church service by streaming on 3rd January 2021. Norman has written a farewell message, summarising his experiences over his time spent with us  in the current edition of the Parish…