Retirement of our Rector after 30 years of Service

As many of you are aware by now Norman Gamble, rector of our parish since 1990, retired at the end of 2020, conducting his final church service by streaming on 3rd January 2021. Norman has written a farewell message, summarising his experiences over his time spent with us  in the current edition of the Parish…

Vacancy Arrangements

During the vacancy in the parish, Rev. Lesley Robinson, Rural Dean of Fingal, will act as priest in charge. She will be available for emergencies at email  or mobile no. 0879091561 The ministry team in Clontarf will primarily be looking after the services during the vacancy. There will be no early Holy Communion Service…

Church Services cancelled

As a result of revised Covid-19 restrictions. Church services are temporarily cancelled, with effect from Sunday 27th December until further notice. The  service will be broadcast using Zoom. Zoom meeting details have been sent to parishioners. If you have not received these and require them please email the Parish Administrator at     

St. Doulagh's crib

Christmas Day Services

There will be three Holy Communion Services in the parish on Christmas Day; 8am & 11.30 am in St. Andrew’s Church and 10am in St. Doulagh’s Church. Due to the ongoing Covid restrictions there are strict limitations on the numbers that can be accommodated at each service. If you plan on attending any of these…

2020 Christmas Raffle A Big Success Story

Parishioners & Friends, Your support and contributions have made the 2020 Christmas Raffle a great success. Thank you all so much. It is vital that at all times we ensure that we have adequate resources available to maintain our Church Community and Churches. The €5,015 raised by the raffle has contributed greatly to our 2020…