Church Services Cancelled

Categories: News

Dear Parishioners, 

During the past week a lot of work was undertaken to ensure that worship in our parish was conducted in accordance with the HSE guidelines for social distancing.  However, new government regulations issued yesterday mean that it is not possible for more than two people to meet together, other than members of a family.This means that it will not be possible to have services in our churches for the next two weeks, which includes Holy Week: indeed it seem unclear if Easter Day is included or not.  

However, I will read Morning Prayer each morning at 9.15am in St Andrew’s (10am tomorrow) and the Church will be open between 10am – 5pm for anyone who wishes to come in for their own private prayer-time, prayer resources are in the Chapel area. 

Sunday April 5th is Palm Sunday, and palm crosses will be left in the porch and may be collected for yourselves or any neighbours at any time after 10.30am.


Freewill offering envelopes may be left in the Rectory letter box, or in the offering box in the wall of the church porch: sadly the bills for the parish are not on shutdown, nor do they seem to be vulnerable to the coronavirus bug!   

